In addition to rental also sales

In addition to streamlining your rental process, it is also possible to perform sales activities. Orders can be combined with rental and sales. This offers incredible freedom within your business. Next to regular sales, it is also possible to buy products after a certain period of time. RentMagic takes care of the correct price calculation.
- Quick order for a counter, point of sale or a safety shop
- Make a quotation or order in no-time
- Real-time stock insight / availability
- Automatic sending of documents
- Long-term rental / lease contracts
- Redeem products on contracts
- Dynamic invoicing procedures
Designed for the greatest convenience
Anywhere, anytime accessible
RentMagic runs in the cloud. Through your web browser, it can be accessed anytime, anywhere, on all your devices. Simply use Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari for access.
Of course, access is guaranteed to be safe. RentMagic is facilitated from an ISO 27001 certified data center.
Intuitive use
RentMagic has a short learning curve. The modules are all built in the same way, giving you a fast recognition pattern within the software. Users will get used to the simple operation in no-time.
Instructional movies
It is also always possible to open training videos on our YouTube channel.
User roles and permissions
If you are working with multiple users in RentMagic it is possible to create different user roles with their own set up. You can specify per field whether a user is allowed to see or change it. Both the browser environment and the app work the same and offer the same modules and information to a user, as well as possible restrictions.
Real-time information with dashboards
The available dashboards within RentMagic are customizable. You can use the management dashboard for a consolidated overview of all figures within the entire organization, even if you use multiple warehouses in multiple countries.
The warehouse dashboard is specific to a selected warehouse. For example, you can make it accessible to a logistics manager.
- Weekly turnover
- Yearly turnover
- Period compare with the previous year
- Purchase value of the warehouse
- Number of outstanding items
- Rented out per week
- Returned per week
- Total inventory

Depots and shelf locations

Within your administration, create one or more warehouses. These can be different depots or branches. Authorization and access are fully configurable per warehouse. Depending on the size of a warehouse, it is possible to create shelf locations. With order preparation, it is possible to perfectly streamline the logistic process within your warehouse.
- Unlimited number of warehouses per administration
- Manage warehouses per country
- VAT settlement for trading activities
- Warehouse movements (transfers)
- Workflow adjustments per warehouse
- User access per warehouse
- Adjustable picking routes for order preparation
Ready for wholesale
To be able to serve larger clients, RentMagic is equipped with a contract module, which allows you to set conditions for a definite or indefinite period of time.
During the trading process, a reference to a contract can be entered, which can also be used for specific logistic operations, calculations and eventually invoicing.
Invoicing methods
The way of invoicing is configurable per client and can also be adjusted within RentMagic. Pre-invoicing and interim invoicing for long-term orders are among the possibilities.
The layout of the invoices can also be set per client, and the way of grouping can be adjusted. Think of grouping by reference, PO number or cost centers.
Dimensions allow you to further specify certain data such as contacts or orders.
For example, when a dimension is created it can be linked to an order to specify where the order comes from, or what it is related to. In the Dimensions overview you can add new dimensions, but also edit and view existing dimensions.
Customer-focused and adaptive platform

RentMagic is packed with features but is basically designed to be customized to your situation on the work floor. Processes can be adjusted, but also modules, tables and fields can be added. Special "triggers" ensure automatic notifications, actions and tasks. The so-called "hook" system is used to provide any additional customization. This mechanism ensures that the core of RentMagic continues to function on its own and that updates can be installed without compromising the functioning of the customization.
- Process triggers for automatic notifications, actions, and tasks
- Code applets with Microsoft.NET C# hooks
- Database access
Act global think local
Do you do national business or also outside of it? RentMagic knows no boundaries. You can set up different languages, currencies and VAT rules. Per customer you can set a default language and currency, which will be used throughout the entire business process. Currency rates can be updated automatically or manually.
All master data projected on the rental web shop or on documents can also be translated automatically. The customer is served as optimal as possible.
A foreign currency is displayed directly in the business process and you can easily switch to the base currency for your own convenience. Rounding foreign figures can be processed easily in this way.
- Multilanguage, also on master data.
- Currency linked with exchange rate.
- Multilanguage document templates.
- VAT codes and rates can be set per warehouse, country, customer and delivery address (if required).
- Dashboard and total overviews are displayed in the default base currency.

Periodic maintenance and services

Some products need maintenance, for example, a cleaning during collection or a yearly inspection. You can indicate when a certain service is needed within the service process, and RentMagic will automatically indicate when a service needs to be performed. The execution can be on-site at the customer or at the warehouse. It is possible to create inspection reports and checklists for accurate service. The customer can view inspection reports on requests.
- Automatic notifications for periodic maintenance
- Module for replacing/exchanging damaged products
- Perform services on-site or in the warehouse
- Automatic update of stock and availability
- Personalized products linked to a contact person (e.g. clothing)
- Inspection reports checklists
- Service management for customer-owned items
The nature of RentMagic
Renting is a naturally sustainable model. By renting or leasing equipment, companies and individuals can contribute to a more sustainable world in a variety of ways. The rental sector actually operates in a circular business model. It complies with all the principles of the circular economy and thus minimises the negative environmental impact of equipment.
RentMagic believes in a sustainable world and has therefore woven it into its mission statement:
We create the most sophisticated rental software for a more sustainable world
It combines the power of a digital platform with the sustainability of renting in order to contribute to a better living world and to enable other companies to do the same.